• Superintendent's Advisory Council
  • Advisor to NC State Board of Education
  • Partner with Wells Fargo Principal of the Year, Steve Lassiter
  • Visit to South Africa


  to lead

Writing of her own experiences and perspectives, Keana is always open and honest with her opinions and ideals of what is best for students.


San Antonio, TX

Convening of 2016 State Teachers of the Year

  • Space Camp with STOYs from 2016
  • Public School Forum Member
  • EPFP class (Public School Forum)
  • Leased car for one year from Flow Honda in Winston-Salem

PBS Interview

See Keana's interview



to Learn 

2015-2016 Regional Teacher of the Year team


Even though the pay was not what she had hoped, Keana Triplett knew that teaching was the profession for her. Eleven years later as the 2015-2016 North Carolina Teacher of the Year, Keana uses what she knows about great teaching and learning to promote the education profession. After a year of traveling the state with a message of hope and inspiration for pre-service, novice, and veteran educators, Keana returned to the classroom at Watauga High School, where she is now the Digital Learning Coach.

Click here for a glimpse into the busy life of a State Teacher of the Year


Left to right:

Joshua Gaskill, Region 2 TOY;

Jeremy Tucker, Region 5 TOY;

Jamie Dickerson, Region 1 TOY;

JoAnna Massoth, Region 4 TOY;

Mariel Sellers, Region 3 TOY;

Dr. June Atkinson, NC State Superintendent 

Keana Triplett, Region 7 TOY- NC TOY

Elizabeth Padgett, Charter Schools TOY

Jennifer Whitley, Region 6 TOY

Randy Pressley, Region 8 TOY

Former STOYs

Once a State Teacher of the Year, always a member of the State Teacher of the Year family!

Called to Teach

Keana Triplett answered the call to teach in 2005, and she has not stopped teaching and learning.

Calendar of Events

Keana C. Triplett

Keep up with the North Carolina Teacher of the Year journey and get in touch with Keana for possible speaking engagements or classroom visits.

Keana's Blog

2015-2016 Burroughs Wellcome Fund North Carolina Teacher of the Year


to Inspire